Solar Manufacturing
LightManufacturing introduces SRM – a revolution in sustainable manufacturing. Zero carbon emissions, zero fuel cost.
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Deployable Factories
Low-cost, off-grid factories offer flexible, distributed manufacturing with zero pollution, zero fuel cost, and 10x lower capital cost.
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Sun-Tracking Heliostats
We make the world's most powerful, general-purpose heliostats.

Networked, arrayable, reflected energy up to 2Kw per mirror.

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Zero-Carbon Sustainable Manufacturing
Solar thermal plastic molding, low cost and high quality, without fossil fuels.
Sustainable Production at Scale
Tanks, furniture, boats, and other durable, useful items - molded with 100% solar energy.
Solar Manufacturing

LightManufacturing introduces a revolution in sustainable manufacturing.

Our heliostat-based solar rotomolding systems mold durable plastic parts with zero carbon emissions, zero fuel cost.  Operating in California, Hawaii and beyond.

Contract Molding service available for select clients.


Our H1 heliostat is the highest-performance general purpose heliostat available today.  

Features include advanced mirrors, wireless networking, web-based control, and simple arraying. 

Heliostat arrays can also include computer-vision calibration, no-dig installation, and focusing mirrors.

Heliostats, heliostat arrays, and solar thermal manufacturing systems from LightManufacturing make sustainable energy a practical reality. Our heliostat products offer lowest-cost-per-watt performance along with innovative shatterproof tensioned membrane mirrors, and available wireless control systems. Ideal for building heating and lighting, hot water, steam generation, agricultural drying, and much more. The H1 Heliostat is shipping now.We also make solar thermal plastic molding systems. Our SRM (Solar Rotational Molding) solutions are turn-key “Factory in a Box” systems that use heat from heliostats to melt plastic and make useful products like water tanks, boats, road barriers and more – with zero fossil fuel inputs. Competitive low costs solar manufacturing, harnessing the H1 heliostat. We will be expanding our industrial applications for concentrated solar – contact us with your application today, and see how we can help. Learn more about heliostats and solar thermal manufacturing.Key Concepts: heliostats, heliostat arrays, solar, sustainable manufacturing, solar plastic molding, cleantech, greentech, leed points, sustainability, plastics